Snow…ish Day!


I am randomly off today. Everyone (mainly just myself, as my husband is stuck in the corporate weather-doesn’t-matter-work-must-happen world, but if I say “everyone” I feel like I am part of a larger group of crossing fingers-wishing-hoping adults and strongly feel that quite a few others must have been doing the same as I) stayed up late/woke up early fixating on TV and phone to check the weather. Well, more so to check for school closings. And then, just as a co-worker texted me with the same news that scrolled down my phone and echoed across the TV screen, I received the “no school/no work” notice! A random day off…all due to crazy weather. Well, perhaps “crazy” is not exactly the correct word to use here. Scary may be more accurate. However, no matter how scary the weather is, once you hear that you can stay cozy at home and not have to step out into it…that fear pretty much shrivels up into a teensy tiny minuscule speck of “ooOoOooh! Let’s look out the window and see just how nasty it’s getting!”

My son’s school is closed as well (more for the sudden temp drop than snow) and we’ve decided to relish the fact that we have no need to go anywhere. To celebrate this unofficial holiday, breakfast consisted of the usual scrambled cheese eggs with a twist– french toast! (Kiddo has never had it, so it seemed fun and special…although, looking back, it may have been a better idea to first look up a recipe). I think it will be deemed “Cinnamon Snow Toast.” My son ever so sweetly said, “it tastes amazing!” then proceeded to take two ant-sized bites before claiming he was full.

Today is a day of little things. No hurries…just flurries.

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